We live in an age where computers and social media are a major part of our lives. From being able to keep in touch with friends and family to many jobs, we all experience it in different ways and Round 2 is no different. The Round 2 YouTube channel ( is known for our monthly product spotlight videos. Since then, we have expanded the channel to do more things such as video booth tours, product updates of new tooling, Q&A with our design team, and most recently short videos of model kit unboxings. While we continue to expand our YouTube channel with more features to be released later, we unfortunately can’t do it all. That is why we have formed partnerships with various influencers on YouTube, Instagram, and more.
Our longest partnership has been with Chris at hpiGuys Workshop ( Known for his model kit build-up videos, Chris will go step-by-step with model kits and show his whole process. His videos have been extremely helpful to those just starting as he likes to take the approach of being able to build high-quality finishes with just your basic tools. He is also an advocate for having fun and building it your way. Be sure to check out his videos on YouTube and his Facebook page ( as well.
One of the biggest names with die-cast is our friend John Lambert with the Lamley Group ( Known for their in-depth look into the 1:64th diecast scene, John is a big fan of the Auto World True 1:64th scale products. You can check out his reviews of the Auto World releases on their YouTube channel (, along with other brands. The Lamley Group worked with us on a set of exclusive die-casts, you might have also heard his interviews with our own Chad Reid and much more.
Star Trek is one of the most popular licenses in our model kits line and with All Scale Trek ( we are getting incredible videos to let those kits shine. While they primarily focus on Star Trek, they will also work on Star Wars kits as well. The videos that they put out are extremely detailed and show the building process along with how to properly install lighting kits to make the ships feel more alive.
More recently we have started to work with Kiwi Cam Hobbies ( on Instagram. His modern-day approach to a model kit gives a breath of fresh air into the hobby. Using today’s technology of a 3D printer he is constantly adding on custom-made parts to make his builds his own with a truly one-of-a-kind look. His process is shown through the pictures he posts on his Instagram account, so swing by and check out all his fantastic work.
Louie Meyer, is on YouTube known as the Autistic Modeler (, and is also a recent new influencer that we’ve been working with. His incredible attention to detail drives him to put out some amazing work. We are in constant awe of his work and excited to see what he does every time he puts a kit together.
We are thankful to these individuals for all the hard work they put into the content that they provide for us to use and showcase. With their constant support, we’re able to provide more content to our customers than ever before. Be sure to check out each of these wonderful influencers and subscribe to their channels. Also, follow all of Round 2’s social media channels for all that we offer, and be on the lookout for all new content.